Related research and data
- Annual death rate by age group
- Annual death rate from all causes
- Annual death rates at different ages in females
- Annual death rates at different ages in males
- Annual death rates in people of different ages
- Annual death rates in people of different ages, by sex
- Antenatal care coverage
- Average number of children vs. child mortality
- Causes of death in children under five
- Child death rates by cause for boys vs. girls in India
- Child deaths by life stageUN IGME
- Child deaths by world region
- Child deaths from diseases caused by invasive pneumococcus
- Child deaths from malaria
- Child deaths in 1960 vs. 2020
- Child deaths in the first five years of life by age groupLine chart
- Child deaths in the first year of life
- Child mortalityLong-run data; Gapminder & UN IGME
- Child mortality by causeIHME
- Child mortality by income level of country
- Child mortality by sexUN IGME
- Child mortality by sexUN IGME
- Child mortality by the type of congenital birth defect
- Child mortality from respiratory infections vs. access to clean fuels for cooking
- Child mortality from respiratory infections vs. share taken to a healthcare provider
- Child mortality in the past vs. todayUN IGME
- Child mortality rateIHME, GBD
- Child mortality rateUN IGME
- Child mortality rateUN WPP
- Child mortality rateUN IGME with SDG target
- Child mortality rateUN IGME, slope chart
- Child mortality rateGapminder & UN IGME
- Child mortality rate by cause
- Child mortality rate by source
- Child mortality rate by wealth group
- Child mortality rate vs. GDP per capita
- Child mortality rate, including UN projections
- Child mortality vs. average years of schooling for women
- Child mortality vs. health expenditureGapminder
- Child mortality vs. level of prosperity
- Child mortality vs. per capita health expenditure
- Child mortality vs. share of children immunized against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus
- Child mortality: IHME vs. UN IGME estimates
- Childhood deaths from the five most lethal infectious diseases
- Children per woman that survived childhood vs. those that died in childhood
- Children with diarrheal disease vs. oral rehydration salts
- Congenital birth defect mortality rates in children under-5
- Death rate from neonatal preterm birth complications
- Death rate from pneumonia and other lower respiratory infections in children
- Death rates from different causesWHO Mortality Database, age-standardized
- Deaths by risk factor for ages 5-14
- Deaths from whooping cough, by age
- Deaths of children younger than 15 years
- Deaths per year, by world region
- Diarrheal diseases death rate in children under fiveBy world region
- Diarrheal diseases death rate in children vs. access to basic handwashing facilities
- Difference between female and male life expectancy
- Difference in life expectancy between females and males versus GDP per capita
- Difference in life expectancy between females and males versus child mortality
- Difference in male and female life expectancy, by age
- Drowning death rate in children under the age of 5
- Expected years of living with disability or disease burden
- Extreme poverty and child mortality
- Female and male life expectancy
- Female minus male life expectancy vs. non-communicable disease death rate
- Female-to-male life expectancy ratio
- Gender difference in life expectancy at different ages
- Gini coefficient of lifespan inequality by sex
- Gini coefficient of lifespan inequality in females
- Global child deaths by cause
- Global child mortalityGapminder & UN IGME
- Global infant mortality by cause for boys vs. girls
- Has country already reached SDG target on child mortality?
- Has country already reached SDG target on neonatal mortality?
- Healthy life expectancyWHO GHO data
- Healthy life expectancy and years lived with disability
- Healthy life expectancy vs. health expenditure per capita
- Inequality of life years
- Infant mortality by sex
- Infant mortality rateUN IGME
- Infant mortality rateIHME
- Infant mortality rateUN WPP
- Infant mortality rate by sexWorld Bank; UN IGME
- Infant mortality rates in England and Wales
- Infant mortality vs. prevalence of prenatal care
- Life expectancyover the long-run
- Life expectancyOECD data
- Life expectancyWHO GHO data
- Life expectancyUN WPP data
- Life expectancyMarimekko
- Life expectancyHMD, UN WPP
- Life expectancy at age 15
- Life expectancy for people of different ages
- Life expectancy of women vs. life expectancy of menUN WPP
- Life expectancy projections
- Life expectancy vs. GDP per capitaMaddison
- Life expectancy vs. GDP per capitaWorld Bank
- Life expectancy vs. healthcare expenditure
- Life expectancy, by sexHMD, UN WPP data
- Life expectancy, females
- Life expectancy, including the UN projectionsUN WPP data
- Life expectancy, males
- Life expectancy, source comparison
- Life satisfaction vs. child mortality
- Live births in England and Wales at or under 22 weeks gestation
- MDG4.A: Child mortality rate
- Major causes of child deaths
- Malnutrition: Number of children who are underweight
- Maternal mortality vs. neonatal mortality
- Median age
- Meningitis death rate in children
- Mothers who have lost a child under five, across birth cohorts
- Neonatal asphyxia and trauma mortality rates
- Neonatal deaths by cause
- Neonatal mortality rateUN IGME
- Neonatal mortality rateUN IGME
- Neonatal mortality rateIHME
- Neonatal mortality rate
- Neonatal mortality vs. births attended by skilled health staff
- Number of child deathsSlope chart
- Number of child deathsIHME
- Number of child deathsUN IGME
- Number of child deaths by regionUN/World Bank
- Number of child deaths by source
- Number of child deaths by the type of congenital birth defect
- Number of child deaths per woman
- Number of deaths from pneumonia in children under five
- Number of deaths worldwide by ageUN
- Number of infant deathsUN IGME
- Number of infant deathsIHME
- Number of infant deathsUN WPP
- Number of infant deathsUN via WHO
- Number of neonatal deathsIHME
- Number of neonatal deathsUN IGME
- Number of neonatal deaths by region
- Number of neonatal, infant and child deaths
- Number of new tetanus cases in children under-5
- Number of youth deaths
- Period versus cohort life expectancy
- Probability of dying in infancy, by sex
- Probability of dying in infancy, by sex
- Probability of dying that year, among females of a given age
- Probability of dying that year, among males of a given age
- Probability that a male will outlive a female
- Protein-energy malnutrition mortality rates in children
- Remaining life expectancy at different ages
- Remaining life expectancy at different ages, in females
- Remaining life expectancy at different ages, in males
- Rotavirus deaths in children under five
- Rotavirus deaths that were preventable in children under five
- Share in extreme poverty vs. life expectancy
- Share of children with a respiratory infection taken to a healthcare provider
- Share of children with an active hepatitis B infection
- Share of children with pneumonia symptoms receiving healthcare
- Share of children with symptoms of pneumonia who are taken to a health provider
- Share of men and women expected to survive to the age of 65
- Share of men expected to survive to the age of 65
- Share of mothers who have lost a child under five
- Share of mothers who have lost an infant
- Share of women expected to survive to the age of 65
- Stillbirth rate
- Survival ages across the population
- Tetanus mortality in children under-5
- UN projection of infant deaths
- Under-five mortality rate vs. electoral democracy
- Under-five mortality rate vs. mean male height
- Under-five mortality rate vs. share of population practicing open defecation
- Under-five mortality vs. CO₂ emissions per capita
- Under-five mortality vs. prevalence of anemia in pregnant women
- Under-five mortality vs. prevalence of child wasting
- Under-five mortality vs. prevalence of stunting
- Under-five mortality vs. prevalence of teenage pregnancy
- Under-five mortality vs. share in extreme poverty
- Under-five mortality vs. share of children who are anemic
- Under-five mortality vs. share with respiratory infections taken to a healthcare provider
- Years lived with disability vs. health expenditure per capita
- Youth mortality rate